We created Jeanie's Oasis to give humanity a place to breath, slow down, and wonder at our world.
Here, you can experience the peace and serenity we all need to keep our lives balanced and satisfied.
Jeanie Esquibel believed in happiness and balance and we want to share that with the world, in loving memory of her!
You are welcome to come and visit us during the week. Phase 1 of Jeanie's Oasis: Jeanie's Pollinator Garden is open to public, by appointment only. Jeanie's Welcome Center is projected to be open in the Spring of 2026. Progress for this expansion began in May of 2021 and 2.5 acres of land are under development now.
The additional 87.5 acres, for phases 2-5, will begin in the Summer of 2026 to include trails, shaded observation areas, rest areas, and at least one species of each of the 1100+ plants native to the Chihuahua desert.